Employment and Labor Services

Labor law includes extensive and complex issues such as insurance, taxes, wages, litigation, contract termination and dismissal, and Iran’s labor law has many restrictive provisions in these areas.

Why trust Persis?

At Persis Legal & Tax, we understand your concerns both as an employer and as an employee when entering into an employment contract, during work, and when the cooperation ends.

Our  Employment and Labor Services are:

  • Employment and Labor Advice
  • Wage and Hour/Working Time/Overtime Litigation
  • Insurance and Taxes
  • Executive Employment and Severance Agreements
  • Global Employment and Labor Solutions
  • Internal Corporate Investigations
  • International Employment Law
  • IP/IT Protection and Litigation
  • Labor Relations and Collective Labor Law Negotiation with Unions and Employee Representatives
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Privacy and Cybersecurity
  • Restructuring, Redundancies and Reductions in Force
  • Workers Compensation
  • Wrongful Termination and Unfair Dismissal